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Tackling the Challenges of Dementia 2023

Online Conference 17 January 2023, 9:00am - 3:00pm

Online Registration
Chair’s Welcome Address
Olivia Townsend, Member, Institute of Government and Public Policy
Keynote Address: Striving for Quality Social Care for Those Living with Dementia
  • Addressing the need for better social care for those living with dementia
  • Looking at the need for better funding and access to social care for those with dementia
  • Considering the Alzheimer’s Society’s Stabilise, Energise, Realise Report on the social care system
  • Looking to previous campaigns including Fix Dementia Care and Cure the Care System
Mark MacDonald, Associate Director of Advocacy and System Change, Alzheimer’s Society
Keynote Address: Ensuring Those With Dementia Have The Right Support They Need To Live Well
Paul Edwards, Director of Clinical Services, Dementia UK
Questions And Answers Session
Break And Networking
The Carer’s Perspective
  • Caring Challenges in the words of family carers
  • The divide between Policy and Practice
  • Putting the carer first
  • Empowered named support and effectively actioned care plans
Heather Dowler, CEO and Founder, Talk Dementia UK
Case Study: Improving The Wellbeing Of Those Affected by Dementia Through Meeting Centres
  • Explore the concept of Meeting Centres and the support they bring for people with mild to moderate dementia and their families
  • Prior to lockdown, there were 13 Centres across the UK and there are now over 40 with an expectation of there being 50 or more by the end of 2022/start of 2023
  • Meeting Centres are based on sound research evidence of what helps people to cope well in adjusting to living with the symptoms and changes that dementia brings
Dr Shirley Evans, Interim Director of the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester
Questions And Answers Session
Lunch And Networking
Case Study: Music for Dementia
  • Hear from Music for Dementia and all their aim to ensure everyone living with dementia has access to music as part of their care
  • Addressing the benefits of music for those living with Dementia including good mental health, and supporting the retention of speech and language skills
  • Looking at case studies of positive change for those living with Dementia who have joined the programme
Grace Meadows, Campaign Director, Music for Dementia
Case Study: The Sensory Trust
  • Hear from The Sensory Trust, looking at the brilliant work they are doing to support those with dementia
  • Addressing the benefits of the outdoors and art for those living with dementia, particularly mental health
Ellie Robinson-Carter, Creative Spaces Project Manager, Sensory Trust
Chair's Summary And Close

*Programme Subject To Change

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