Manchester Hall, Manchester 8 May 2024, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Sharon Chappell Assistant Ombudsman
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Sharon has been working for the LGSCO since 2008. LGSCO investigates complaints about councils, adult social care providers and some other organisations providing local public services. We investigate complaints fairly and impartially. We aim to remedy personal injustice when fault is identified and make recommendations to improve local services for the benefit of other users.
Sharon manages a generic team and deals with complaints across a wide range of subject areas. But she has lead responsibility within the organisation for complaints about Education and Children’s services. Sharon has been involved in the production of several Focus Reports including: Personal budgets in EHC Plans Nov 23, Out of school, out of sight? July 22, Not going to plan? EHC Plans two years on - Oct 19
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