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The Operating Theatres Show 2023

Kia Oval, London 28 September 2023, 8:00am - 4:00pm

CPD accredited by IGPP badge
Breakfast, Networking, And Registration
Chair's Welcome Address
Evangelos Mazomenos, Lecturer at the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London
Towards a more resilient, collaborative future for theatres within the NHS England Operating Framework
  • What does the Operating Framework mean for the future of operating theatres?  
  • Empowering and supporting local system partners: what advantages will this bring to patient outcomes, patient safety, and employee experience?  
  • Making operating theatres great places to work: maximising the role of leaders and ensuring staff are empowered and upskilled where needed  
Ian Channon, General Manager, Directorate of Theatres and Critical Care, Wye Valley NHS Trust
Assessing strategies for streamlined and efficient elective care and reduced waiting lists: A transformational and tactical approach.
  • Developing and actioning an operational transformation strategy: identifying why problems occur and what solutions should be
  • Tacking activity out of theatres: what can this look like and what advantages can it bring?
  • How are current programmes, initiatives and projects working to reduce backlogs and improve patient outcomes? Where are they most effective and how could things be improved?
Rob Armstrong, Associate Director of Operations, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
Integration reimagined. Integration 3.0 The Digital OR platform for AI solutions
  • What is OR Integration 3.0?
  • What does a platform need to enable the use of AI?
  • What is AI, and how is it beneficial in the operating room?
  • How does AI affect clinical outcomes?

Andreas Hoefler, Director of Sales, RIWOlink
Audience Q&A with keynote speakers

Join keynote speakers from this session for an audience Q&A moderated by Lindsay Keeley, Clinical Patient Safety and Quality Lead, Association of Perioperative Practice

Break And Networking
Modularising surgical hubs to reduce the elective care backlog faster: A case study of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and Neath Port Talbot Hospital
  • Experience modular surgical hubs that deliver state-of-the-art operating theatre capacity quicker and more sustainably
  • Showcasing recent surgical hubs delivered for NHS England and NHS Wales
  • How the NHS is maximising off-site construction as a solution to the patient backlog
Jonathan Brindley, Sales and Marketing Director, ModuleCo
Leveraging surgical super-hubs to tackle backlogs and achieve better patient outcomes
  • Understanding the potential of surgical hubsl: outlining ways of working and key achievements  
  • Focusing on HVLC surgeries and planned care: how will this transform patient backlogs?  
  • How can the hub accommodate speciality surgeries to maximise flexibility and the positive impact on patient outcomes?  
Shamim Umarji, Clinical Director for Surgery, St George's University Hospitals
Building the digital operating room of the future
  • Explore how digital technologies and surgical environments can be combined in healthcare
  • Discover how real-time data, telepresence, and workflow efficiency can optimise patient care 
  • Join us to unveil the future of tech-driven surgery for improved operating room performance
Matthew Green, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Proximie
Audience Q&A with keynote speakers
Lunch And networking
Exploring cutting-edge waste disposal technology: improving efficiencies in the operating theatre
  • An overview of Stryker’s Neptune 3 and the results of the Green Study 
  • Creating optimum conditions in theatres: how Neptune improves efficienciesstaff safety and patient experiences 
  • Rethinking environmental impact: the importance of waste disposal in sustainability strategies 
Sarah Baker, Head of Nursing Perioperative and Critical Care Medicine, James Cook University and the Friarage (part of the South Tess NHS Foundation Trust) and Julie Clark, Senior Operating Theatre Practitioner, the Friarage (part of the South Tees NHS)
Meeting emerging waiting list challenges with a new workforce model
  • How can the NHS best access support to ramp up activity on a growing bottleneck of complex cases? 
  • Understanding how traditional clinical insourcing models can be reworked to integrate better with existing services   
  • Exploring new ways to boost surgical activity and productivity across hospitals and hubs 
Martin Watts, Director of Clinical Insourcing, Medacs Healthcare
Tackling the surgical plume problem: creating safer and greener environments in operating theatres
  • Assessing the impact of surgical plume on patients, staff, and the environment
  • How can new approaches to risk assessment and health and safety improve patient experiences and protect healthcare professionals?
  • Exploring alternatives for capturing surgical plume and how this can reduce the carbon footprint of operating theatres
  • Identifying actionable changes in the short and long term and navigating change within existing frameworks
Lindsay Keeley, Clinical Patient Safety and Quality Lead, Association of Perioperative Practice
Afternoon Comfort Break
Improving patient outcomes with compassionate leadership and a resilient team
  • Identifying meaningful ways to improve workplace wellbeing, boost morale and reduce burnout 
  • How to help staff cope with the pressures of demanding and stressful environments 
  • What does compassionate leadership look like in operating theatres and why is it so important for better outcomes for patients and staff?  
Perbinder Grewal, Vascular Surgeon, Leadership Coach and Patient Safety Trainer, Whitehall Medical Limited
Robotic surgery: supercharging efficiency in theatres and improving patient safety
  • Transformative potential of surgical robotics: understanding the transformative potential of the Da Vinci Xi surgical robot 
  • How to best leverage 3D imagery, magnification, and AI to enhance performance in operating theatres  
  • From reducing blood loss to improving recovery time: assessing the advantages of robotics in improving experiences for patients and surgeons 
Shahnawaz Rasheed, Consultant Surgeon, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Transitioning to Net Zero across hospitals and their operating theatres
  • Reaching Net Zero: addressing the scale of the challenge and what the journey looks like
  • From single-use plastics to anesthetic and medical gases: identifying achievable changes in operating theatres
  • How can new resources, toolkits, and best practise guidance be best used to help hospitals improve efforts to reach Net Zero?
Heidi Barnard, Head of Sustainability, NHS Supply Chain
Chair's closing summary

*Programme subject to change without notice

Evangelos Mazomenos, Lecturer at the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London
Drinks Reception
Conference Closes

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