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The Operating Theatres Show 2021

Hilton Metropole Hotel, London 7 October 2021, 8:30am - 5:30pm

This agenda is available as a PDF download

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Day 1
Registration and Networking
Chair’s Welcome Address
Jane Perry, Dean of Health, Sport and Bioscience, University of East London
Special Address: Reducing Waiting Times In Operating Theatres By Increasing Productivity
  • Using the Productive Theatre principles to enable theatre teams to work more effectively together and improve the patient experience
  • Focusing on the safety and outcome of surgical services and effective use of theatre time and staff experience
  • Enabling significant financial savings by running theatres more safely, productively and efficiently
  • Using Getting It Right First Time (GRIFT) to put clinicians and clinical leadership at the heart of change to realise real and sustainable improvements
  • Identifying productivity and capacity opportunities to deliver sustainable improvement in RTT waiting lists
Professor Tim Briggs CBE, National Director for Clinical Quality and Efficiency, NHS
Increasing Surgical Productivity: The Ecological Impact
    • Delivering a net zero NHS – The Perioperative perspective
    • Single-use v. re-usable
    • To re-cycle more - or use less
    • Volatile Anaesthetic Gases – lowering emissions
    • Operating Theatre Design - Carbon efficient ventilation
    • Interprofessional collaboration - Stronger together
    • Operating Theatre Staff – can we take a lead?
John Dade, President, The Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP)
Stryker Neptune – The Real Story
  • Increasing theatre efficiency
  • Improving working conditions in theatres
  • Enhancing staff morale
  • Reducing clinical waste
Sarah Baker, Head of Nursing Perioperative and Critical Care Medicine; Julie Clark, Senior Operating Department Practitioner, The Friarage (South Tees NHS Foundations Trust)
Questions And Answers Session
Break And Networking
The Role of Technology in Managing the Post-Covid Elective Surgical Backlog
  • The impact COVID has had on elective surgery and the scale of the challenge ahead
  • The role tech has played in dealing with these challenges effectively
  • How can Trusts maximise theatre capacity and utilisation and how can technology help
  • How the use of a streamlined digital pre-operative assessment process ensures that patients are ready for surgery
Piyush Mahapatra, Innovation Director, Open Medical
Using Robotic Surgery To Enable Greater Precision In Surgery And Improve Recovery Time
  • Becoming the first centre in England to install the da Vinci Xi robotic system
  • Using the latest technology to cut and manipulate tissue in the same way as a surgeon would when carrying out open surgery
  • Utilising da Vinci’s extended vision, 3D imagery and magnification to enable even greater precision in surgery work
  • Reducing blood loss, improving recovery time and allowing surgery to take place via tiny incisions
Dr Shahnawaz Rasheed, Consultant Surgeon, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Integrated Theatres: Designing Smart Spaces
  • What is a smart theatre? 
  • Approaches to make the smart theatre a “standard theatre” making it part of generic design considering:
    • Surgical engagement at the business case stage and during design development
    • Being clear on specific theatre functionality with a focus on how a theatre is used for each procedure type
    • Where does this fit in with “technology for teaching” 
  • Procurement: choosing the right technology at beginning of concept for multi-use theatres
Andrew Frost, Technical Director, MTS Health
Questions And Answers Session
Lunch And Networking
Safe, Ultra-efficient and Cost Effective - The Theatres Dream Made a Reality
    • Working with the NHS to maximise performance
    • Rewarding hard work
    • Aligning all the staff
    • Maintaining NHS control
Dr Mathew Molyneux, Director, Glanso UK and Consultant Anaesthetist, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS; Dr Neil Rasburn, Director, Glanso UK and Consultant Anaesthetist, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS
Supporting Awareness And Basic Education Of Multi-Disciplinary Teams In Human Factors
  • Launching a project called Observation of Non-technical Skills and Teamwork (ONSeT) in operating theatres to monitor and evaluate the benefits of local Human Factors education
  • Delivering lectures, workshops and simulation sessions to multidisciplinary teams
  • Observing teams at work in operating theatres and applying validated observation tools to capture and articulate how clinical teams’ performance could be enhanced
  • Emphasising person-level human factors rather than system level
  • Assessing the perceived usefulness of the ONSeT project and its impact in helping during the pandemic
Nicola Stroud, Operating Department Practitioner, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Questions and Answers Session
Break and Networking
Unlocking the Power of Digital Clinical Information with the Ascom Healthcare Platform

The Ascom Digistat Surgery solution will:

  1. Enhance operation efficiency by providing digital support for the full perioperative process
  2. Increase OR utilisation/usage
  3. Minimise documentation time and errors
  4. Minimise material and resource waste
  5. Help to increase patient safety
Ian Binks, Business Development Manager, Global Clinical Solutions and Sophie Evans, Clinical Sales Consultant, Ascom
Closing Keynote Address: Surgical Prehabilitation: Enhancing General Health and Wellbeing Prior to Major Surgery
  • Addressing the growing waiting lists for surgery post Covid -19 pandemic
  • “I am just an Anaesthetist”
  • Secondary Care Lens to view Population Health
  • Case Study of our journey from Perioperative to Population Health
Dr Tarannum Rampal, Consultant Anaesthetist Princess Royal & Clinical and Strategy Lead, Kent and Medway
Questions and Answer Session
Chair's closing comments with prize draw and drinks reception

Join us for a social hour to wrap up the day.


*programme subject to change

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