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The Operating Theatres North Show 2024

Etihad Stadium, Manchester 8 February 2024, 8:45am - 4:15pm

CPD accredited by IGPP badge
Delegate Registration and Networking
Chair’s Welcome Address
Professor Aali Sheen, Consultant Hernia and Groin Surgeon and the Past President of the British Hernia Society
Opening Keynote: Delivering Operating Theatre of the Future in the Challenging Climate
  • Responding to record-breaking elective surgery waiting times and the complexity of influencing factors
  • The barriers to improving efficiency, and interlinking challenges across a number of theatre specialties
  • Current priorities in operating theatres in responding to growing healthcare needs of the population
Ian Eardley, National Clinical Director for Elective Care, NHS England
The Future of Surgical Healthcare Provision - Modular and Mobile Operating Theatres
  • Addressing the challenge imposed by capacity limitations of surgical facilities
  • Flexibility associated with mobile and modular units
  • Enhancing the entire patient journey by providing services when and where required
Cherry Lee, Head of Clinical Services & Practice and Simon Squirrell, UK Business Director, Vanguard Healthcare Solutions
Integration reimagined. Integration 3.0 The Digital OR platform for AI solutions
  • What is OR Integration 3.0?
  • What does a platform need to enable the use of AI?
  • What is AI, and how is it beneficial in the operating room?
  • How does AI affect clinical outcomes?
Andreas Hoefler, Director of Sales, RIWOlink
Questions And Answers Session
Break and Networking
Meeting emerging waiting list challenges with a new workforce model
  • How can the NHS access support to ramp up activity on a growing bottleneck of complex cases?
  • Understanding how traditional clinical insourcing models can be reworked to integrate better with existing services
  • Exploring new ways to boost surgical activity and productivity across hospitals and hubs
Martin Watts, Director of Insourcing, Medacs Healthcare
Improving Theatre Efficiency by Data-Driven Digital Solutions
  • Unravelling the potential of theatre generated data
  • Drawing the relationships between patient, staff, equipment, and efficiency data
  • Implementing data-driven solutions, and the opportunity for benchmarking
Piyush Mahapatra, Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon, Digital & Innovation Lead - Surgery, Cancer & Anaesthetics, West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals, NHS Innovation Accelerator Fellow, and Chief Innovation Officer of Open Medical
Improving Efficiencies in the Operating Theatre
  • Understand the importance of creating a safer theatre environment
  • To understand current practices for fluid management and smoke evacuation in most hospitals
  • To be aware of alternative options for managing surgical fluid waste and surgical smoke
Lisa Nealen, General Nurse, Peri-operative Practitioner, Queen Elizabeth Foundation Trust, Gateshead, UK
Questions and Answers Session
Lunch and Networking
Improving Theatre Efficiency on a Local Level: Optimising High Volume Low Complexity Surgeries
  • How did the recovery plan perform so far across the different metrics of elective recovery backlogs? Reviewing performance against the targets
  • Responding to national and local challenges in improving procedure capacity
  • Effective alignment of priorities to ensure the plan achieves its ambitions
Faraz Ayyaz, National Clinical Fellow with GIRFT (Get It Right First Time), Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Utilising Robotics and AI Technologies in the Operating Theatre of the Future
  • The role of AI in preoperative planning and intraoperative decision-making
  • The use of robotic systems in surgery for precision and minimally invasive procedures
  • Ethical considerations associated with the use of AI in healthcare
Evangelos Mazomenos, Lecturer at the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London
Delivering Improvements via Efficient Perioperative Practice
  • Describe how ‘The National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures’ is delivering improvements in perioperative care
  • Outline key practices and protocols involved in intraoperative care
  • Discuss ways to improve the efficiency of surgical patient flow
Lindsay Keeley, Patient Safety & Quality Lead, The Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP)
Break and Networking
Breaking Barriers, Achieving Excellence: Harnessing the Power of International ODPs to Support the UK Workforce
  • Provide an overview of the recruitment of international anaesthetic practitioners as part of a solution to address the staffing shortage in the UK.
  • Outline the progress made thus far in relation to the recruitment of internationally trained Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs)
  • Discuss some common concerns associated with the recruitment of internationally trained ODPs
  • Present the measures and actions taken to address and mitigate the concerns surrounding the employment of internationally recruited ODPs
  • Discuss employability versus internationally registered ODPs, exploring the potential benefits and challenges
  • Discuss the development of a short, medium, and long-term plan for the integration and support of internationally trained ODPs within the healthcare system
Peter Chell, Clinical Lead for Anaesthetics and Education within the International Recruitment Department at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust and Regional Lead for the South West region at The Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP)
The Power of Collaboration in Operating Theatres
  • Collaborative approach to surgical care - how can it improve the service across the board?
  • Engaging with patients and staff to deliver consistent results
  • Future priorities in the current climate
Caroline Dada, Elective Recovery Programme Manager, and Laura Francis, Elective Recovery Project Manager, West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT)
Questions and Answers Session
Chair’s Summary and Close
Professor Aali Sheen, Consultant Hernia and Groin Surgeon and the Past President of the British Hernia Society

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