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Energy and Sustainability in the Public Sector 2022

Online 26 April 2022, 9:00am - 4:00pm

Day 1
Online Registration
Chair’s Welcome Address
John Barrett, Professor in Energy and Climate Policy, Sustainable Research Institute, University of Leeds
Keynote Address: Achieving Zero Carbon by 2030
  • Delivering our pledge to be a net zero carbon campus by 2030
Professor Dr Hassan Abdalla MSc PhD CENG PFHEA FIMEchE FRSA, Provost, University of East London
Retrofit, Insulation And Future Proofing Buildings
Ed Andrews, Commercial Director, InstaGroup
Energy Price Risk Management – How Energy Procurement Will Change As We Transition To A Sustainable Future

  • A review of the current energy market – has the way we view energy consumption and Energy Risk Management fundamentally changed?
  • An exploration of affordable low carbon purchasing options that contribute to Scope 1 and 2 emissions targets
  • Are on-site generation and Corporate PPA options now an attractive alternative route to market?
  • Looking beyond the horizon – future developments in carbon and energy risk management
Adam Clarke, Managing Director, The Energy Consortium (Education & Energy)
Questions and Answer Session
Networking Break
Promoting Environmental, Social And Economic Wellbeing In Public Utilities
  • Wellbeing and resilience in public utilities – why is this important?
  • What might resilient energy and water services look like?
  • What’s the role of the public sector in developing and maintaining sustainable energy and water services?
  • How can decision makers balance environmental, social and economic outcomes in public utilities?
  • As the cost-of-living crisis intensifies, how can we ensure that the energy and water sectors don’t lose sight of net zero?
Sharon Darcy, Director, Sustainability First
The Challenges And Opportunities of Creating “Green Jobs”

As every organisation looks to build business models and workforces that are fit for the green transformation of the economy, green skills will be a critical enabler to unlocking competitive advantage, commercial opportunity and growth that is complementary to our net zero and wider environmental ambitions. I’ll discuss the opportunities, pitfalls, motivations and practical skills available to help organisations make all job greener.

Toby Shaw, Director of Commercial Strategy, IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment)
Designing Services That Meet The Needs Of Those Using Them
  • Meeting the challenges of cutting fuel poverty
  • Meeting the net zero target 
  • Taking all opportunities to influence behaviour
  • Making it clear that the government will take action to protect consumers from rogue traders
  • Providing trusted redress routes
Stew Horne, Head of Policy, Energy Savings Trust
The Role Of Local Government In Securing The Energy Transition And Ending Our Reliance On Russian Fossil Fuels
  • Over the last 15 years, local authorities have been at the forefront of the changes to the UK energy transition, in particular the planning process to consent, wind-power, solar-power hydro-power, biomass, anaerobic-digestion and gas-peaking plant projects. This critical role is going to continue with further planning applications, potentially in a wider range of technical solutions across the renewable energy spectrum
  • The scale of the challenge to decarbonise is huge, but the timescales for the solutions that have been announced by national government (nuclear, green hydrogen, CCS) do little to address the short-term and medium-term
  • Stephen will give a brief introduction to RheEnergise and their innovative High-Density Hydro® energy storage solution. He will comment on RheEnergise’s planning application feedback from one local authority and how we plan to address the points raised
  • Finally, Stephen will discuss how to bring local communities on board on the transition from not only renewable generation, but also solutions for storage and flexibility
Stephen Crosher, CEO, RheEnergise
Question and Answer Session
Lunch and Networking
How Can The Public Sector And Universities Show Leadership And Be Driving Forces For Net Zero
  • The need to brief clearly for net zero carbon
  • The value of whole life costing
  • How early supply chain engagement de-risks the scheme
  • The importance of post construction monitoring
Richard Davidson, Director & Sarah Frith, Head of Design, Wilmott Dixon
Becoming A Net Zero Organisation By 2030 And Championing A Just Transition, Resource Optimisation And Environmental Net Gain

Vanessa will introduce herself and her role at the Environment Agency, then explore the EA’s sustainability ambition, how the EA is taking action on sustainability – especially on organisational net zero – and what we are learning along the way

Vanessa Griffiths, Deputy Director, Sustainable Business Operations, National Services Environment Agency
Special Keynote: Delivering The Decarbonisation Agenda: People, Policy And Partnerships

The session will explore hydrogen’s potential for decarbonising heat in homes and buildings across the country

Mike Foster, Chief Executive, Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA)
Achieving Net Zero: Use Less Power, Generate More And Buy Green

Kit will discuss what is available today, and what the future holds for both green electricity products and on-site generation against the backdrop of increasingly volatile fossil fuel markets

Kit Dixon, Policy and Regulation Manager, Good Energy
Case Study: Delivering Renewable Energy Projects And Initiatives At Durham County Council
  • A warts and all story of one council’s attempts to tackle the climate emergency and our challenges, successes and failures along the way
  • How can a local authority lead the journey to net zero – and what does that even mean?
  • Is it possible to electrify heat and transport, generate renewable energy and balance grid demand?
  • How do we engage with business, schools, communities and strategic partners?
Maggie Bosanquet, Low Carbon Economy Team Leader, Durham County Council
Question and Answer Session
Chair’s Summary and Close

*programme subject to change

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