Online Conference 22 June 2023, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Since 1996 Tessa has been dedicated to enabling people living with young onset dementia and their families to adapt and live as fully as possible. Having researched the impact of this disabling condition, she played a pivotal role in developing YoungDementia UK’s award-winning services.
Her values and insights are shaped by her personal experience of dementia and disability, as well as her work in mental health advocacy and advice. A first career in publishing, marketing and running a small business proved valuable when, having identified a gap, Tessa initiated the collaborative Young Dementia Network online influencing community in 2016.
Following the merger of YoungDementia UK and Dementia UK in 2020, Tessa became Programme Director for Young Onset Dementia at Dementia UK where, with colleagues, she is developing a cohesive range of support for people with young onset dementia. She chairs the Young Dementia Network steering group, now hosted by Dementia UK. Tessa continues to be a realistic optimist, seeking the best with and for people with young onset dementia.
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