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Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Workplace

Online Conference 25 May 2023, 9:00am - 3:00pm

Online Registration
Chair's Welcome Address
Geffrye Parsons, Founder and CEO, The Inclusion Imperative
Our journey to workplace: understanding the trans lived experience
  •  An honest look at how trans people are disproportionately affected by discrimination in the work place, whilst examining and challenging perceptions in order to embrace inclusion.                                                       
Eva Echo Activist | Educator | Public Speaker | Writer
Beyond Jargon: Encouraging Reflexive Thinking in Organisations to promote EDI
  • Understanding the importance of staff engagement and local communication
  • Creating ‘safe spaces’ for employees to voice feedback and concerns
  • Encouraging greater managerial awareness and support
Dr Jennifer Martin, EMBA Executive Director, Cambridge Judge Business School
Delivering the Everyone Economy
  • CMI’s Everyone Economy report found that despite, on the surface, many organisations and staff embracing EDI initiatives, the UK has systemic challenges around workplace inclusion, with specific challenges for under-represented groups who feel overlooked and face discrimination.
Hamish Shah, Policy and Innovation Manager, Chartered Management Institute
Question and Answer Session
Break and Networking
Promoting Gender & Equality in the Workplace
  • Understanding the value of returners programme to advancing EDI in the workplace 
  • Exploring ways  to improve diversity within these programmes 
  • Promoting a better understanding of the need to support individuals following a career break 
Claire Goodall, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead, STEM Returners
Encouraging and Embracing Religious Expression in the Workplace
  • Addressing religious discrimination in workplaces and understanding how this impacts career progression
  • Exploring how EDI policies can be adjusted to better protect religious groups
  • Promoting better understanding and celebrating religious diversity in workplaces
  • Creating an inclusive workplace for religious groups
  • Creating safe pathways for individuals to report acts of religious discrimination or unfair treatment
Linsay Taylor, Head of Community Development and Engagement, MEND
Joining the Dance to Equity
  • Highlighting Through Case study and Q&A Bringing communities together & bridging the gap through equity- golden tips by highlights award winning consultant story based on Black history, working with award winning marvel power of stories tour, and ensuring the best from your workforce/ students and beyond. Reviewing golden tips to support your diversity journey
Ellisha Soanes Co-Director Aspire Black Suffolk
Question and Answer
Lunch & Networking
Understanding the Importance of Intersectionality in the Workplace
  • Learning the best ways to support individuals in the workplace 
  • Understanding how intersectionality impacts individuals experiences in the workplace 
  • Creating safe and inclusive workplace allowing individuals to thrive 
Raphaele von Koettlitz, Director of Communications, Diversity and Ability
Improving Accessibility to Employment and Retention for Neurodiverse People
  • The organisational benefits of neurodiversity 
  • The types of workplace barriers neurodivergent people face 
  • The impact of workplace barriers on recruitment, career advancement, and performance 
  • Moving towards neuro-inclusive working practises 
Matthew Bellringer, Chair, NeurodiverseIT
Disability data and pay gap monitoring: Have we got it wrong and what will it take to change it?
  • Diversity workforce and pay gap reporting is high on the workplace inclusion and Government policy agenda. Debates run high and emotional during these discussions, whether at Board and management level, or at individual employee level.
  • But some arguments position current methods for measuring workplace diversity as outdated and stagnant, and both employer and employees are beginning to ask, how inclusive are our methods for measuring diversity and pay gaps today? How well do the ways we measure and ‘count’ inclusion in our workforces really take account of disabled employees’ voices and experiences? And is workforce reporting really making a difference to disability inclusion in our workplaces?
  • Angela will discuss these questions by presenting findings from her current research projects which will include first-person experiences from employers and disabled employees.
Angela Matthews, Head of Policy and Research, Business Disability Forum
Question and Answer Session
Chair's Summary and Close
Geffrye Parsons, Founder and CEO, The Inclusion Imperative

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