The Royal Society of Medicine 24 September 2024, 9:00am - 4:00pm
As a leading sustainability expert and decarbonisation lead of a 40,000ft² Grade II listed heritage commercial portfolio, Becky is sought after by a wide range of public and private sector organisations to deliver sustainability and Net Zero support and training. Alongside proficiency in auditing and policy writing she specialises in stakeholder engagement, specifically helping leaders decarbonise their governance and culture to optimise the delivery and impact of their climate action messaging and associated policies. She is a certified Carbon Literacy Facilitator and Associate Lecturer in Sustainability at Nottingham Trent University.
Becky’s multi-award-winning expertise in empowering, inspiring and motivating, while also being acutely aware of the commercial realities of embedding sustainability and net zero ambitions, sees her headhunted for high-profile keynote speeches, expert panels, podcasts and feature articles.
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