Manchester 1 July 2025, 9:00am - 4:00pm
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Joanna Dundon is National Digital Lead - Public Engagement at Digital Health and Care Wales and Engagement Lead for Digital Services for Patients and the Public Programme and chairs the Patients and Public Assurance Group evaluating and assuring patient facing digital services. She has worked at the King's Fund and NHS Wales starting off in health libraries and moving into digital. She is passionate about user centred design, patient involvement and engagement, digital inclusion and knowledge management. Member of Patient Information Forum Advisory Group, Digital Inclusion Alliance Wales Network, PPIE Lead for the Health Foundation's Networked Data Lab Wales, OfCom Consumer Communications Hub for Wales. She has co-authored Cochrane and Joanna Briggs Institute systematic reviews, professional articles, books and blogs.
Her interests are visiting historic houses, archaeological sites and museums across the world with her family, and photography.
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